Upcoming Events
This is the place for keeping you up to date on Western New York Two Cylinder Club special events.
Upcoming Events:
EXPO Upcoming Meeting
The next EXPO meeting will be on January 19, 2025. The directors will meet at 10 am. and at 12 pm. There will be a general meeting for all clubs to attend with a dish to pass. Please think about attending. Location of the meeting will be at the NYS Steam Engine
Association Grounds 3349 Gehan Rd,Canandaigua, NY 14424.
Pennsylvania Farm Show
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is hosting the 2025 PA Farm Show on
January 4-11, 2025 at the PA Farm Show Complex and Expo Center located at 2300 North Cameron St. in Harrisburg, PA 17110. Pennsylvania is proud to host the largest indoor agricultural exposition under one roof in the nation. The event showcases the quality and breadth of Pennsylvania's agriculture industry and the people who make it thrive. The show offers visitors a tiny slice of the industry that employs nearly half a million people and contributes $132.5 billion to Pennsylvania's economy every year. Admission is free, for more information visit: pa.gov/farmshow.
New York Farm Show
The New York Farm Show is going to be February 20-22, 2025, and is located at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse, New York. The New York Farm Show has been the leading farm show in the Northeast since 1985. The show hosts more than 400 exhibitors displaying the latest in farm equipment, tractors, combines and farm implements; seed and crop protection
products; farm supplies and services,dairy and beef production, woodlot and related industry supplies.
Upcoming Auction
Rick Carine wanted to let everyone know that there were some older antique tractors like Farmall and a cool creeper and an old Deere tractor up for auction. It’s at 5432 Colett Rd. It’s an online auction on Royteitzworth at: www.rtiauctions.com Thank you so much if you could spread the word.
New York State John Deere Expo
The New York State John Deere Expo is July 10-12, 2025 at the New York State Steam Engine Association Grounds on Gehan Rd in Canandaigua,NY. The grounds are open from 8am to 8pm daily. The featured tractors this year include 10 Series and Crawlers.The admission cost is $10 per adult or $20 for 3-day pass. For more information contact Kevin Morris 607-868-3774 or Jim Stratton 607-368-9531.