Club Membership


  Membership in the Western New York Two Cylinder Club is on a yearly basis and runs from January to December.  You may renew for more than one year.  Merely include $15.00 for each year and we will keep track of your membership.  Please note on the mailing label that after your name is the year that our records show that you are paid up through.  Both individual and family memberships are $15.00 per year.  Family memberships include your significant other and children 18 years of age and under.  Give any new members a form to fill out, have them attach $15.00 for dues, and give it to one of the officers at a meeting or send it to Cheyanne Grant, 358 Clinton St., Cowlsville, New York 14037.  Please make your check payable to: Western New York Two Cylinder Club.

Make checks payable to: Western New York Two Cylinder Club

Send to:

Cheyanne Grant

358 Clinton St Cowlsville, NY, NY 14037 

 Phone: (716) 912-1445      



Membersip Application